The South Austin Coalition, Jobs With Justice, AFSCME, and other organizations held two rallies Saturday on Chicago's Westside to protest corporations who have tried to use their economic and political muscle to defeat the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA). The first rally was held at the Walmart at North Ave. and Kilpatrick. Walmart has not only invested millions in the fight against EFCA, but has tried to intimidate employees into sending letters to their Congressional Representatives saying they oppose this vital labor law reform legislation. The other rally was held at Resurrection Hospital West, just across the border from the Westside in Oak Park. Resurrection has fought the efforts of its employees to organize for years. Note the person in the mask. A Walmart employee who attended the rally covered her face for fear of retaliation by her employer.
Hear audio from the rally on tonight’s epidode of Labor Express Radio…

Hear audio from the rally on tonight’s epidode of Labor Express Radio…
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