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Showing posts from February, 2009

Some recent events in the Chicago labor movement...

On Tuesday, February 17th, Chicago was the place to be for some of the country’s highest ranking labor leaders. AFL-CIO president John Sweeney, Chair of Change to Win Anna Burger and President of the Laborers International Union, Terence O’Sullivan were all in attendance at a rally at Plumber’s Hall for the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA). The event is part of organized labor’s ongoing effort to mobilize its forces for a massive push for passage of EFCA. President Obama has repeatedly promised to sign the bill if it comes to his desk and most Democrats have vowed to support it, but big business is exerting massive pressure of its own to defeat the legislation. Attendance was I think way beyond what was expected and Plumber’s Hall was packed to the rafters. Many of those who arrived late had to be turned away at the front door. Here are some pics from the rally… Last week’s episode of Labor Express Radio focused ...

Another victory in the Republic Windows and Doors saga...

More good news on the Republic Windows & Doors situation from UE. These workers have really demonstrated how to fight and win… Serious Materials purchase of Republic Windows and Doors factory finalized Agreement reached with UE: Former Republic employees to go back to work Chicago, IL, February 26, 2008 - The sale of the former Republic Windows and Doors company to California based Serious Materials has been finalized with the approval of the bankruptcy court. Serious Materials has also reached agreement with UE Local 1110, ensuring that all former Republic employees will be rehired at their former rate of pay. The UE will continue to represent workers at the factory. “We are happy that the purchase of our former plant by Serious Materials has been approved. Our members are ready to get back to work and make great energy efficient green windows for Serious. We look forward to working together to create green jobs at living wages,” said Armando Robles, President of UE Local 1110...

World economic crisis is top security threat...

OK, so now we have real proof in terms that the ruling class of the national security state can really understand. So I want action! When do we start the arrests? Who should go first? I recommend Alan Greenspan. Than maybe Larry Summers. Hell, lets include the entire economic policy team of the last 4 presidents (and I am including Obama). Better yet, let’s pull a sting operation! We can declare a special meeting of the World Economic Forum and round-up all the criminals in one fell swoop. What type of sentences should we impose? The current neo-liberal model has been in power since the first days of the Reagan administration, so how about 30 year sentences. But where are we going to house all these guys? YES! We still have a use for Gitmo! Note what Adm. Dennis Blair’s calls the “positive side” of the economic crisis, “if oil remained below $50 per barrel for some time, it could force major spending cuts or a devaluation in Venezuela.” WHAT AN A-HOLE!!! I don’t care whether you think ...

Rough, rough, rough draft...

As promised, here is a very, very rough draft of the Labor Express Radio analysis of the top labor news stories of 2008. Please excuse what I am sure a hundreds of typos, misspellings and grammar errors. I hope to get a final draft up in a week. This one is also missing the concluding summary. Feel free to comment, make suggestions, or trash the whole thing… The Year in Labor – 2008: A Year of Crisis In our round up of the top labor news stories of 2007, we decided to call 2007 the “year of concessions.” There is no better title for 2008 than the “year of crisis.” We are all familiar with the clichéd adage that the Greek origin of the word crisis refers to a decision or judgment, or the even more clichéd claim that the Chinese character for crisis translates as danger + opportunity (a claim that is apparently wrong it turns out, but I will leave that to the linguists). Perhaps this bit of pop wisdom was never more perfect a description for the state of world affairs. The danger...

Sorry, Sorry, Sorry!!!...

I must apologize to pilsenprole readers once more. I will have to push back the date of my analysis of the labor news of 2008 one more FINAL time. Other organizing work interfered with my attempt to get a rough draft posted tonight. I am issuing an iron clad guarantee this time, that by next Tuesday, at least a rough draft will be posted. Thank you all for your patience. Hopeful it will still be relevant and interesting reading.

Professor Rasmus proposes a 20 point economic recovery program...

As the Congress and the White House haggle over the proposed economic stimulus plan, progressive economists are increasingly concerned that the stimulus plan will do little to alleviate the deepening economic crisis that we are in. Economist Jack Rasmus, who calls the economic crisis an “Epic Recession”, has proposed a 20 point economic recovery program that goes much further than what is being debated in Congress. Dr. Rasmus is an advisory to the SF Labor Council Economic Crisis Committee and the labor council has passed a resolution supporting 18 of the points in his proposal. Other central labor councils around the country are now considering the passage of similar resolutions and his proposal has been forwarded to House Finance Committee. To read his 20 point program , you can download a PDF version here… For more on Jack Rasmus, see his website…

EFCA Rally on Chicago's Westside...

The South Austin Coalition, Jobs With Justice, AFSCME, and other organizations held two rallies Saturday on Chicago's Westside to protest corporations who have tried to use their economic and political muscle to defeat the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA). The first rally was held at the Walmart at North Ave. and Kilpatrick. Walmart has not only invested millions in the fight against EFCA, but has tried to intimidate employees into sending letters to their Congressional Representatives saying they oppose this vital labor law reform legislation. The other rally was held at Resurrection Hospital West, just across the border from the Westside in Oak Park. Resurrection has fought the efforts of its employees to organize for years. Note the person in the mask. A Walmart employee who attended the rally covered her face for fear of retaliation by her employer. Hear audio from the rally on tonight’s epidode of Labor Express Radio…

Whatever happened to the round up of the top labor news stories of 2008???!!!...

This is what a number of pilsenprole readers have been asking of late. Yes, I know we are already into the second month of 2009 and I have yet to post my annual analysis of the past year’s labor movement news. Pilsenprole has been very busy as of late, especially at his paid job, and has had a hard time finishing the narrative analysis. But rest assured, it is still coming. Check back by Next Tuesday and I promise to have at least a rough draft posted by than. Thank you all for your patience.


CALL REYNOLDS AMERICAN CEO SUSAN IVEY By 4:30pm ET, Friday, February 6 TELL HER TO MEET WITH THE FARM LABOR ORGANIZING COMMITTEE (FLOC) FLOC is campaigning to bring Reynolds Tobacco into the new system of agriculture which guarantees the rights and dignity of migrant farmworkers. (For more information, see Justice for Tobacco Field Workers.) We need your help! 1. Call Reynolds American CEO Susan Ivey at 336-741-5000. 2. When Auto Attendant answers asking with whom you want to speak say: Susan Ivey. During Business Hours (8:00am to 4:30pm ET) you will be transferred to a receptionist in CEO Ivey’s office. Ask to speak with CEO Susan Ivey. The receptionist will say CEO Ivey is busy and then ask you the reason for your call. Say that you are calling to ask CEO Ivey to meet with FLOC. The receptionist will then transfer you to the person handling that project. The receptionist may transfer you to Mr. Strasburg or someone else whose phone will then go into ...

New article from Alan Benjamin, Exec. Board member of the San Francisco Labor Council...

Here is a great article from our friend Alan Benjamin attacking the use of TARP funds... No Wall Street Bailout! Nationalize the Banks! By ALAN BENJAMIN Finally someone in the mainstream media has the guts to tell it like it is. Writing in The New York Times (Feb. 3), Paul Krugman notes that "all of Obama's tough talk is just for show." Krugman was referring to Obama's strong denunciations, in his weekly address, of Wall Street CEO bonuses and his call for tougher restrictions on banks receiving government bailout aid. Why just for show? Krugman writes: "When I read recent remarks on financial policy by top Obama administration officials, I feel as if I've entered a time warp -- as if it's still 2005, Alan Greenspan is still the Maestro, and bankers are still heroes of capitalism. "'We have a financial system that is run by private shareholders, managed by private institutions, and we'd like to do our best to preserve that system,' says S...