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Showing posts from October, 2008

Alan Greenspan admits he is an idiot...

OK, maybe that is a bit of an exaggeration. But I keep saying it and I will say it again - NEO-LIBERALISM IS DEAD! Dead! Dead! Dead! Now one of it’s main ideologues, it’s key architects, is practically admitting so. Check out this video clip of Alan Greenspan’s testimony before The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee last Thursday (warning, you may want to just listen to the audio, Alan Greenspan and Henry Waxman are quite possibly the two ugliest men alive - actually alive might be questinable in Greenspan's case)… Here is the New York Times report on the hearing… Oh, I only wish Milton Friedman was still alive so he could similarly grovel before the American people and the world.

Will the Real ACORN please stand up…

The McCain campaign is reaching the heights of desperation. With the economy in free fall, the result of the neo-liberal economic agenda promoted by McCain and company for the last 30 years, they are grasping at straws to find one more avenue through which to bamboozle the American working class into giving them one more chance. Perhaps the ugliest attempt at this yet is their attack on ACORN. Who is ACORN? Well, according to the mainstream media, it seems as if they are an organization established to commit vote fraud on behalf on Democrats in general and Barack Obama in particular. The accusations have quieted some in the past few days (replaced by the even more ridiculous “Joe the Plumber” campaign), but it was all the press was talking about last week. I have a personal connection with ACORN as I worked in the Summer of 1990 as an organizer with Local 880 of SEIU. Local 880 was established by ACORN organizers who wanted a vehicle by which to empower the home health care work...

What the hell does “middle class” mean?...

Perhaps the most nauseating aspect of last Thursday’s debate between Vice-Presidential candidates Joe Biden and Sarah Palin was Palin’s repeated assertion that unlike Biden, she was “one of us,” just an average “middle class” American living on “main street.” I think I found Palin’s “folksy” everyman rhetoric especially disturbing after the most conservative elements of the Republican party spent the whole week spinning pseudo-populist sophistry in regards to their opposition to the Paulson/Bush Wall Street bailout plan. Only in America can the elite, the ruling class, in the midst of a crisis of their own making, turn around and present themselves as working class heroes combating greed and corruption on Wall Street and in Washington. The wolf is so well practiced at slipping on the sheep’s clothing in a hurry, it seems no one questions that bushy tail protruding from the back. Of course after 8 years of listening to an oil man from Texas tell us that he is “one of us” I guess it is a...