April 7, 3 pm Gage Gallery 18 S. Michigan Ave. Triangle Fire 100th anniversary event featuring Professor Jo Ann Argersinger from Southern Illinois University, co-sponsored by Roosevelt and UIC History Departments and the New Deal Center at Roosevelt.
April 9, 3 pm Chicago Temple Washington and Clark. New New Deal Forum with John Conyers on Full employment legislation.
April 12, 7 pm Oak Park Public Library Forum on meaning of restoration of Haymarket Martyrs Monument in Forest Park.
April 27, 6 pm Haymarket Brewery and Pub at Randolph and Halsted. Film Screening of Sacco and Vanzetti. Music will be on tap along with beer.
April 28, 5:30 pm Newberry library. Forum and debate and reception with labor movement lawyers the American Constitution Society and others discussing Haymarket to the present.
April 29, 5:30 pm Gage Gallery, 18 S. Michigan, Chicago – Free reception for International Trade unionists and public and release of new ILHS publication on Forest Home Cemetery of The Day Will Come by Mark Rogovin and viewing of his fathers photos, Milton Rogovin.
April 30, 2 pm Plaque dedication at Haymarket Square at Randolph and DesPlaines by Illinois Labor History Society and re enactment of the Haymarket Tragedy at the site followed by gathering of all who wish to come to Haymarket Brewery at Halsted and Randolph. Music will be part of the events.
May 1, 1 pm World wide gathering to celebrate 125th anniversary of the Haymarket and the restoration of the Monument in Forest Park featuring AFL-CIO secretary Treasurer Liz Shuler and other dignitaries.
May 1, 7 pm Old Town School of Folk Music concert titled Music and Rebellion with Bucky Halker, his band, and some international groups. Tickets are 15 dollars. Download the concert's poster, and visit the website.
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