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Showing posts from January, 2008

Vote pro-immigrant, pro-universal single payer health care and anti-war on Fed. 5th – Vote for Cynthia McKinney & Gerald Mead-Lucero - VOTE GREEN!

KNOW THE FACTS... IMMIGRATION: While the Democrats avoid discussing the issue in debates and call for tougher enforcement and new fences along the border in Congress, the Greens are the only ones calling for legalization for all. In fact, we go even further than that, and argue that if NAFTA and CAFTA allow companies to easily cross borders, it should be the same for working people… “The Green Party calls for permanent border passes to all citizens of Mexico and Canada whose identity can be traced and verified. Work permits for citizens of Mexico and Canada must be easily obtainable, thereby decriminalizing the act of gainful employment.” - From the Green Party National Platform HEALTH CARE: While the Democrats devise various schemes to defend the interests of their friends and donors in the health care insurance industry, only the Greens are calling for a truly universal, single payer, non-profit health care system. The Democrat’s plans are a patch work approach that is likely to rai...

The Year in Labor – 2007: A Year of Concessions (UPDATED)

The Year in Labor – 2007: The Year of Concessions… 2007 started off on a positive note in regards to the labor movement both locally and nationally; but by year’s end, we witnessed some of the biggest setbacks in recent labor history. Here is Labor Express Radio’s analysis of the labor news highlights for the past year. Note: this is by no means a comprehensive list – please let us know what we missed by emailing us… The Good: 2007 saw a first in Chicago’s recent labor history – the Chicago Federation of Labor (CFL) taking on the seemingly all powerful mayor of Chicago, Richard M. Daley. After years of enduring the Mayor’s anti-labor policies and an acquiescent city council, the Federation made good on its threat to make the Mayor pay at election time. The CFL, in conjunction with SEIU and a variety of community organizations, succeeded in electing over half a dozen pro labor aldermen to the Chicago City Council and defended their friends on the council who were th...