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Showing posts from June, 2007

Materials for - Globalization & Migrant Rights: Connecting Struggles - Workshop

Print Handouts for Globalization & Migrant Rights: Connecting Struggles Workshop: Presentation given in 2002 by Teofilo Reyes of the Transnationals Information Exchange and contributor to Labor Notes (and a member of the Global Justice Committee of Chicago Jobs with Justice), about linking immigrants with militant labor organizing… Statement issued by many of the leading Latino immigrant organizations in Sept. 2006, blaming trade agreements like NAFTA and CAFTA for forcing workers to migrate and calling for a new economic model… Declaration issued from the historic 1st Latin American Migrant Community Summit (Cumbre) held in Morelia, Michoacán last May, which blames NeoLiberal economics for creating the conditions that force people to migrate… Article by Oscar Chacon & Amy Shannon of NALACC on the...

Domestic Workers United at the USSF

Joycelyn Campbell, a Nanny from Manhattan, an immigrant from Barbados, and a leader in the Domestic Workers United organization discuss the lack of legal protections for domestic workers in the United States and the roots of this reality in racism as well as U.S. economic and foreign policy…

Justice at Smithfield Rally

Press conference at the Immigrant Rights tent at the USSF...

Members of immigrant rights organizations from around the country speaking out against the “immigration reform” proposals that were being discussed in the U.S. Congress earlier today at a press conference held at the Immigrant Rights tent at the USSF. We received word later in the day, that the reform proposals in Congress were defeated – to the relief of everyone here.

Audio from the Immigrant Rights Tent at the USSF:

Gerald Lenoir of the The Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI), talks about immigrant rights as part of the larger struggle for racial justice at the Immigrant Rights Press Conference at the USSF (United States Social Forum)...

Audio links from the Opening Rally of the USSF...

Nancy Lenk – Deputy Director of AFSCME Local 1644, explains the attempt by Atlanta to turn Grady, a public hospital, into a privatized entity… Nancy Lenk – Deputy Director of AFSCME Local 1644, talks about the negotiations over the march route for the opening rally of the United States Social Forum (USSF)… The Hot 8 Jazz Band from New Orleans at the Opening Rally for the United States Social Forum (USSF)…

More Labor at the USSF Opening Rally..

Labor at the USSF Opening Rally